Of course, this is nothing like how I want my cover to be, but I saw the picture and thought it was pretty neat for my book. I really want to get back into Photoshop now that NaNo is done and I can go back to writing at a leisurely pace rather than frantic.
But back to covers. The idea I have for my cover would be kind of similar to this, only my two male MCs would be in it. Shaggy, blond-haired Cole on the right and slightly forward, and spiky, brown-haired Morgan on the left and just behind him. In Cole's hand, not hovering, would be holding an orb like this between himself and Morgan, casting the light over their faces. Cole wears his typical mischievous smirk, Morgan makes a "y so srs" face. What's funny is this cover seems like it's all detailed when really, it only came to me today when I found the picture of the orb randomly browsing Google images.
I think I'll set myself to work on a project to make an awesomesauce book cover, or at the very least, keep training myself on various photoshop techniques because I really do have a lot of fun working on them, even if they are as simple as the one I just made.
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