OPWFT Blog Post

You heard right. We have the Old People Writing For Teens blog up and running. It just so happens that tomorrow is my day. I won't say what I'm writing about on here, but it's relevant to what I'm doing currently. If I'm doing it, why not suggest other people do it as well. Every little bit of writing helps, right?

Now, I know that I'm not old (me and Sarah being the youngest in the thread at 21 and 20) but the people there are just too amazing. I don't fit into the teens anymore and it just feels more comfortable there. I'm very happy to be a part of this group. They can't be more awesome if they tried :D

Anyways, be sure to check out the blog. It's only been up for under two weeks and we've gotten a decent bit of attention. Let's keep it going!

EDIT: The post is now up under the Writing Tips section. I think it'll fit in there okay...


madeline said...

I'm off to read your post...

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